I congratulate all my Muslim sisters and brothers on the beginning of the blessed month of Ramadan!
Our Holy Quran, which guides people to the right path and clearly declares the separation of right from wrong, was revealed in this month.
Fasting is obligatory in the month of Ramadan, when prayers and deeds are accepted in the presence of Allah Almighty. Fasting purifies us both physically and spiritually, and brings many rewards to every believing Muslim.
Today, we welcome Ramadan with joy and pride as the children of a victorious nation. Our lands liberated from occupation are flourishing, and our compatriots whose forced displacement has ended are returning to their native lands.
We are grateful to the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, Mr. President Ilham Aliyev, and the glorious Azerbaijani Army, who granted us this magnificent Victory and Great Return. We wish God’s mercy to our heroes who witnessed for the freedom of our homeland and the sovereignty of our state, patience to their families, and healing and health to our veterans.
In the upcoming month of Ramadan, we will also celebrate the dear holiday of our people, the symbol of the reawakening of nature – Novruz. In these blessed days, our wish and desire from the Most Gracious and Most Merciful God is for our people to live in peace and prosperity, and for our state to increase its strength and power.
May God accept our fasting and worship, and answer our prayers!
May Allah grant us peace and blessings!
Azer Askerov