are the unshakable foundation of family happiness
How good it is that there is such a special day! On March 8, we have the opportunity to express once again our respect and admiration for women, who are traditionally the most delicate part of humanity – our family members, colleagues, and friends. Sometimes, just sincere and kind words are enough for this.
Since ancient times, our people have had a tradition of showing respect and courtesy to women. In particular, our holy religion of Islam gives women high value and authority and protects their rights. Moreover, at the beginning of the last century, Azerbaijan went down in history as the first state in the East to grant women the right to vote. Even today, women in our society are surrounded by special attention and care.
I would also like to express my sincere gratitude and admiration to all the women around us on this mysterious spring day. You are the heart and soul of the Azerbaijani family, the protectors of our hearts. Your wisdom, love, and patience are a strong foundation that protects our home, our culture, and our future.
From the day we came into the world, we have felt the warm breath of our mothers. Their prayers, advice, and inexhaustible care are a solid foundation that ensures the well-being of every family. Mothers are the bond that unites generations. The ability to preserve customs and traditions, to pass on the secrets of our hospitality, and the wisdom of our ancestors from generation to generation make them true heroes of our people.
The role of a spouse in the fate of an Azerbaijani man is irreplaceable. They are not only beloved life companions, but also colleagues, support for each other in difficult times, and a source of joy in happy days. Next to our spouse, we find strength in ourselves to move forward, because we know that understanding, comfort, and support await us at home.
Sisters, daughters, and grandchildren… You are our pride and hope. Our future is reflected in your smile. You can combine modernity with millennial values and remain true to your roots. Your energy, intelligence, and kindness inspire us to be better every day.
A woman has always held a special place in our traditions – she is a symbol of beauty, nobility, loyalty, and creativity. We are grateful to you for making our world kinder and our lives more meaningful with your hard work, generosity, and devotion.
Happy holiday! We wish you good health, happiness, well-being, and prosperity! May your families always live in peace, and the native land of Azerbaijan be proud of you – just as we are proud of you!
Azer Askerov