Under the leadership of the President, the victorious Supreme Commander-in-Chief, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, our brave army has put an end to the nearly 30-year occupation of the aggressor Armenia. The goal and purpose stated by the head of state has become a reality: Karabakh is ours! Karabakh is Azerbaijan!



President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev:

  • "I recently said that we will create a paradise in the Karabakh region, and I keep my word. It is up to all of us to fulfill these words. Therefore, 2021 should be very significant in this regard. It is in 2021 that the people of Azerbaijan and the whole world will see that our intentions are reflected in life, our plans are realized in life.

    From the final point of the meeting dedicated to the results of 2020. January 6, 2021.
  • "It is impossible to win with weapons alone. He is a soldier and an officer who raises the flag, sticks the flag in the enemy's position, sticks it in the liberated lands. Our soldiers and officers fought like lions. We gave martyrs. May God have mercy on all our martyrs! May God grant their parents patience! We have wounded servicemen, and they are recovering. Many of them have already recovered. May God heal them! We have won at the expense of our heroic soldiers and officers. " .

    From the speech in front of the Aghdam mosque. November 23, 2020.
  • “… For thirty years, both the Armenian leadership and their supporters, pro-Armenian, pro-Azerbaijani forces have been fabricating that Armenia has a strong army, the Armenian people are a warlike people, the Azerbaijani people cannot fight. We have destroyed this fabrication, we have shown who is a warring people, we have shown who is a victorious people. "

    From his speech in Fizuli. November 16, 2020.
  • "A new reality has emerged in our region. We created this reality. Azerbaijan has created this reality. We drove the enemy out of our lands. We have implemented UN Security Council resolutions. These resolutions remained on paper for 27 years. For 27 years, these resolutions were just a piece of paper for many, not only for Armenia but also for others. We said that international law is on our side, UN Security Council resolutions demand that the occupying forces leave our lands. But it did not work. We have created a new reality in the practice of international law and our region. We have implemented UN Security Council resolutions. We have restored our territorial integrity. We put an end to the occupation "

    From "Appeal to the people". December 1, 2020.
  • "Azerbaijan won a brilliant victory in 44 days, defeated Armenia, and ended the occupation. Every day of these 44 days is our glorious history. Every day the Azerbaijani Army was advancing, every day new cities, villages, settlements, and heights were liberated. The Azerbaijani soldier, the Azerbaijani officer was fighting for an end to this occupation, for this injustice, for justice to prevail, for historical justice to prevail, and we have achieved this. ”

    From his speech at the Victory Parade held on Freedom Square in Baku. December 10, 2020.
  • "There have been many parades in Freedom Square. But this parade has a special significance. This is the Victory Parade. This is a historic event. In one of the parades, I said that the flag raised in Lalatapa in 2016 will be brought to the parade. I said that the day will come and today the Azerbaijani flag raised in the liberated lands will be brought to Freedom Square and arrived today. We, the people of Azerbaijan, are witnesses of this historic day. From now on, we will only move forward. "

    From his speech at the Victory Parade held on Freedom Square in Baku. December 10, 2020.
  • "I once again express my deep gratitude to all the personnel of our victorious army, who gave our people a sense of national pride and joy, the joy of victory, waving our tricolor flag in the liberated lands, in the holy Shusha, the crown of Karabakh. I bow to the immortal souls of our martyrs and ask God to have mercy on them, and I wish our wounded servicemen a speedy recovery. "

    From the Appeal to the Azerbaijanis of the World. December 30, 2020.
  • "The war is history, the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is history, we must look to the future. Today we are creating the future, creating it with our own hands. I am confident that all our plans - as all the goals stated so far - have been achieved. We will achieve these goals, strengthen our country, strengthen our army and ensure the safe life of the Azerbaijani people. "

    From his speech at the meeting with the representatives of the public of Fizuli region. October 18, 2021.


A moment in life - in the photos