Azman Holding, co-founded by Azer Askerov, also carries out charitable activities. At the same time, the issues of educating young people in the spirit of military patriotism and the development of sports come to the fore..

Thus, with the support of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, organized by the Judo Club 2012 sports club, the World Association of Kickboxing Organizations (WAKO), the Azerbaijan Kickboxing Federation, and the Gusar District Executive Power, which is part of the Azman Holding group of companies. A kickboxing tournament dedicated to the memory of Azerbaijan's National Hero Chingiz Gurbanov was held at the Gusar Olympic Sports Complex on December 12.

AzImport LLC, a subsidiary of the holding, sponsored the preparation and publication of the book "Murov Eagle" about the life and career of Lieutenant-Colonel Raguf Ibrahim oglu Orujov, who lived the life of an honorary officer. The book was first published in 2017 with a circulation of 500. In the following years, about 2,000 additional copies of the book were published.

Holdinqin təkibindəki “Azİmport” MMC isə şərəfli zabit ömrü yaşamış polkovnik-leytenant Raquf İbrahim oğlu Orucovun həyatından və döyüş yolundan bəhs edən “Murov qartalı” kitabının hazırlanmasına və nəşrinə sponsorluq edib. Kitab 2017-ci ildə ilk dəfə 500 tirajla çapdan çıxıb. Sonrakı illərdə kitabın 2 minə yaxın əlavə nüsxəsi çap edilib.

Azman Holding supports numerous socio-cultural projects, various youth initiatives provides assistance to the families of martyrs and low-income people.